
Exploring the sacred unity of life, humanity and Earth within a single, unfolding Universe.

Genesis Farm website

May/June, 2024

Dear Friends of the Farm,

On the afternoon of Friday, May 3, four of us gathered on the Hillside of Aluna, to open the portal of Beltane. Beltane is the astronomical point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice in this bioregion on the North American continent.

While opening a portal over this landscape, we scattered tobacco leaves. The leaves were from dried plants grown from the original seeds of the Lenape people’s sacred tobacco. In the winter of 2015, we learned that these seeds were recovered by Bakers Creek Heirloom Seeds through a the story they published in their catalogue. The article described the strenuous efforts of a researcher, James Rementer, who tried to find their seeds after the Lenape were driven out of this region to Oklahoma. It is an article well worth reading. www.heirloomgardener.com

In two separate ceremonies Genesis Farm returned these seeds to the descendants of both the Lenape and Ramapough Lunaape Nation.

We also scattered tiny grass pellets, derived from the warm season prairie grasses that grew in this region prior to the arrival of the colonists. Through the encouragement of Bob Canace of Ridge and Valley Conservancy and agro-ecologist, Jerry Brunetti, we researched and planted five acres of prairie grasses on this land. These grasses sequester carbon through their 30 ft. roots. When harvested in the winter, the leaves can be dried, pelletized and burned, emitting none of the carbon or other green house gases, which have warmed our planet now beyond its tipping point.

The tobacco symbolize our awareness of the past theft of this land from the indigenous peoples, legitimized by what is called the Doctrine of Discovery.

The grass pellets are a symbol of modest but profound possibilities that could replace some burning of wood, coal or any other fossil fuel. They could mitigate the suffering of the natural world and the children of all species as our larger culture remains committed to the burning of fossil fuels, and their egregious stepchildren-micro and nano-plastics.

We will close the portal of Beltane on Friday, May 10. We keep ourselves constantly looking at the horrendous genocidal suffering in the middle east as well as the unbearable planetary aborting of all life at this moment of time. Our difficulties are systemic. They are rooted in belief systems totally inconsistent with the Universe from which every being that exists is derived.

Many of these belief systems suggest we have become a non-viable species.

As we turn toward the summer solstice, Genesis Farm faces into some momentous circumstances. So does this bioregion, and every region of this threatened planet.

We will try to change this webpage as frequently as possible. Do check it often if you still wish to be connected to this nearly fifty year, expanding circle of friends.

As we struggle to restore our lands, aquifers, wetlands, streams, our gardens, library, buildings, archives and website we are grateful for any volunteers who can help us.

vWith gratitude for all the support you give,

Miriam MacGillis
Founder and Interim Coordinator.